Let’s talk about the importance of #progesterone level for women. Progesterone is a #hormone that can lead to some serious health problems.
produced by the corpus luteum, a follicle that remains in the #ovaries after #ovulation
also produced by the adrenal glands and the ovaries
helps to line the uterus for a #pregnancy, supporting a fertilized egg
regulates menstrual cycle
enhances mood
supports the #thyroid
Symptoms of low progesterone
Irregular periods, short cycles and premenstrual spotting
Mood changes
Sleep disturbances
Anxiety & depression
Weight gain due fluid retention as progesterone plays a major part in regulating fluid levels in the body
Estrogen domination, the overgrowth of the lining of the uterus that causes heavy periods / estrogen and progesterone should be in balance
Causes of low progesterone in the body
Anovulatory cycle: when ovulation doesn’t happen. Common in people with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and people on certain types of birth control.
Hypothyroidism; when thyroid is underactive.
High levels of cortisol (the stress hormones): preventing the production of progesterone needed.
Hyperprolactinemia: prolactin hormone (by the pituitary gland) is too high, effecting the sex hormone precursors, therefore the production of progesterone. It can interrupt the menstrual cycle or even stop periods altogether.
Low cholesterol levels.
Methods to increase progesterone
Only with the recommendation of a health professional, you can use progesterone creams, oral progesterone pills and vaginal suppositories. However, let's look at more natural treatments like #reflexology…
And because the stabilization of a good level of progesterone is very important to conceive, I looked into Fertility Reflexology.
How reflexology can help to conceive and maintain a healthy pregnancy
Aligns the balance of the hormones in the body.
What has been mentioned in many of my blogs before, reflexology reduces levels of stress, and brings a state of deep relaxation.
Reflexes are focused on which relating to the reproductive organs to balance and clear congestion.
It boosts blood circulation to the reproductive areas.
Aligns all systems of the body to function efficiently.
Fertility reflexology methods mainly work on the endocrine gland and its associated hormones. These hormones are related to fertility hormones (luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, oestrogen and progesterone), stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol), and the thyroid hormones (thyroxine). Reflexology helps to regulate menstrual flow and cycle, reduces cramps, and can even re-stabilize absent periods.
Reflexologists at Fertility and Pregnancy Edinburgh are trained by the Association of Reproductive Reflexologists, enhancing medications’ efficacy during women’s fertility treatments (IVF, ICSI, IUI). They stimulate the uterus reflex helping the drugs enhance their purpose, which increases the blood flow and creates adequate lining for the endometrium. Reflexology can help the uterus to create a good environment for the embryo transfer. Relaxing massages of reflexology is also a major part of this process to relax the person who goes through this hard IVF treatment. Reflexology is also recommended for the early stage of pregnancy, encouraging the ovaries to maintain a good level of progesterone.
Read further via the link in the resources section. You will also find a link to the Reproductive Reflexologist Organisation, where Barbara Scott explains and identifies how reproductive reflexology can help and result in pregnancies. She also adds the importance of couples receiving reflexology treatment is beneficial for a successful conceiving outcome.
Best wishes,
Klara Esperger
#women #womenhealth #reflexology #menstrualcycle #healthymenstrualcycle #adrenalinglands #lowprogesterone #irregularperiods #moodchange #anxiety #depression #bettersleep #estrogendomination #weightgain #anovulatorycycle #hypothyroidism #increasedcortisol #hyperprolactinemia #lowcholesterol #balanceprogesterone #fertilityreflexology #successfulconceiving #healthypregnancy #balancinghormones #destress #relaxation #reproduce #boostbloodcirculation #endoctrinegland #fertilityhormones #stresshormones #thyroidhormones #regulatemenstrualcycle #stabilizepms #reproductivereflexology #womensfertility #stimulateuterusreflex #maintaingoodlevelofprogesterone
Low Progesterone Symptoms, Causes, and What You Can Do About It, Flo, Anna Targonskaya, September 2021, https://flo.health/menstrual-cycle/health/symptoms-and-diseases/low-progesterone-symptoms
Fertility Reflexology, Fertility & Pregnancy, http://www.fertilityandpregnancyedinburgh.com/reflexology1.html
Reflexology – Can it really help you to get pregnant? Barbara Scott,