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Writer's pictureKlara Esperger

Couples’ reflexology

Updated: Dec 8, 2022

Now that Christmas is just around the corner, I would like to talk about couples and how reflexology can add to their lives. Christmas period is one of those precious times that provides that free time of the year when you can focus on each other and make changes to the relationship if life has been a bit overwhelming recently. Understandably, life can get hectic with work and children yet love and caring should not be forgotten on the way.

Statistically it has been shown that couples have the advantage over single people to stay healthy. It is due to being loved and cared for. Staying positive also adds to staying well. In sickness and health, you are sharing everything, thus illness is also a shared event.

It is very important to talk about common sexual illnesses, for instance herpes, a stress-related problem that can interfere with lovemaking. Herpes is very contagious if it flares up and the best way is to avoid sexual life, until symptoms go away. Since, herpes is triggered by stress and many people leads a stressful life, it can create a very uncomfortable/awkward situation for sexual spontaneity in couples’ lives. Some people have herpes frequently but some show symptoms just a few times a year. There is no cure for herpes however, physical, and emotional relaxation is the key to prevent flare-ups. This is when reflexology can be useful by releasing nerve blockages and reduce stress, preventing flare-ups to maintain a rewarding sex life.

Reflexology can also be used for substitution for when you have no energy to have sex or have no time for it. On the other hand, it is part of the deal you get in a relationship, it is normal to have periods when you feel like having lots of sex and times when you are total opposite or when sex is amazing or when it is not so special.

I mentioned children at the beginning, bringing up a child or more than one can really occupy most of your time especially if there is a progressing career that needs a focus too. Sex will be the last thing on your list. Reflexology cannot provide extra time in your day, but it shows you how to stay intimate with one another, relieve those ‘headaches’ and boost your energy so that you will feel like being intimate. And therefore, you need to find the time for it and manage it well to maintain the health of the relationship staying intimate in good and bad times. Intimate means to touch each other and reflexology cannot happen without touching, just like sex.

When one of you is ill or exhausted, the best way to stay intimate is to nurture each other and reflexology is a great way to do this. Men usually don’t allow themselves to receive nurturing because they see it as too passive or submissive to their independent macho role. ‘Reflexology can be the threshold for more complete development of the male psyche.’ Reflexology can introduce nurturing to men and let them receive nurturing in return. Reflexology also lets men play a nurturing role, introducing their feminine side without making them feel weak or emasculated.

Couples’ reflexology involves massaging each other’ foot, learning what points are painful, spending more time on them toes, ankles, heals etc. (see a great video in the sources section as a guidance). While you are massaging each other, you will also find out what has been bothering your partner, why they are stressed, why they are fatigued and so on. These ‘intimate’ times will bring you closer together while you are nurturing your loved ones, you also share emotions. It can also bring you back to where you left off when you had time for each other, to more joyful times. A reminder to spend quality time together and changing your mood to make love/have sex with your partner.

Enjoy these precious times together with reflexology ‘at your hand/feet’ To be continued…

Best, Klara


Couples Foot Massage Technique, How to Massage Feet & Dual Reflexology Therapy Demonstration, PsycheTruth, Melissa La Munyon

The Reflexology Handbook, Laura Norman & Thomas Cowan, 1988

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